
Roach Exterminator

Baton Rouge is a popular city to visit in the United States with over 14 million visitors per year. There is LSU Museum of Art, Magnolia Mound Plantation, and The Louisiana Bourbon Festival. Millions of people flock to the Red Stick annually, but unfortunately, we are not the only ones. In 2018, a Baton Rouge family was run out of their apartment by roaches. Overall, in the United States, the South is the leader in roach infestations.


What is it about our city that makes it so attractive to roaches? Could it be the oysters, gumbo, or the Swamp Blues? Although some cockroach males whistle to attract a mate, sometimes playing two different songs at once, it’s not likely. According to Zack Lemann, an entomologist at the Audubon Butterfly Garden and Insectarium, the biggest factor is the weather, and that’s the one we can’t control. They thrive in our hot and humid climate, and unlike other pests that die off in the cold, our occasional freezes do little more than slow them down.


Once inside a home or business, the search for food and water begins, and they are not too hard to find. Kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry rooms act like incubators, with a mating pair responsible for about 10,000 offspring a year. When it comes to a place to lay their eggs, they are not picky, and can eat nearly anything. Staples include pet food, plants, sugary substances, and most items we throw away.


As diverse as our city's culture is, and the people visiting us, so are the roaches. While the American, German, and Brown-Banded are the most common, we also have to deal with the Asian, Surinam, Oriental, Australian, and Cuban, to name a few. The American is the largest infesting species in the country and can grow to over 2 inches. On top of the usual qualities we hate about them, they can also bite and fly. Like many tourists, this breed has an affinity for alcohol, especially beer.


What is about them that even the thought of one makes the hair on our arms stand up? Many of us have thought we put an end to a roach under our shoe, only to watch it run away, adding invincibility to the list of reasons we hate them. Due to their strong, flexible exoskeleton, they can withstand weights up to 900 times their body weight in some instances. Their movements are fast and quirky, which causes us to be even more anxious. In fact, they are one of the fastest land animals on Earth. Scientists believe that our fear of them may be hardwired into our DNA. 


If roaches are getting the best of you, it’s time to contact CheckMate Termite & Pest Management. We've helped home and business owners eliminate their pest issues and remain pest-free for over ten years. As the most trusted exterminator in the area, we offer multiple service packages and can customize one for your individual needs. Whether roaches, termites, mosquitoes and more, at CheckMate, we’ll take care of your pests across the board.

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